Enjoy Our Blogs!

Create Your New Moon Ritual

Create Your New Moon Ritual

New moon rituals are powerful practices that can shift the energy for the coming months and it doesn't need to take that long to complete. If you're feeling stuck or stagnant, open yourself to allow ... ...more

Healing ,Astrology &Manifesting

September 13, 20238 min read

Preparing for Your Podcast

Preparing for Your Podcast

Are you going to be on a podcast or summit and have no idea how to prepare?  Here is a quick run down of things to prepare and consider when preparing for video or audio presentation. ...more


May 22, 20233 min read

Preparing for a Breathwork Session

Preparing for a Breathwork Session

Preparing your space and yourself for a breathwork session. ...more

Healing ,Breathwork &Trauma Release

May 12, 20226 min read

Self-Discovery & Alignment

My Journey to Happiness

Happiness is a gift and our ultimate mission in life. As humans, we are learning to navigate the matrix of life to come back to our true selves and live in happiness. When I discovered this, life began to flow in such a beautiful way. I'm here to tell you that you can experience the same life flow and it can be easy! ThetaHealing was a huge part of my transformation. I look forward to helping you with your personal journey!

Resources & Support

Get In Touch!

  • info@pathwaytofreedom.co

  • (808) 818-5320

  • Milledgeville, GA

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